Campbell Harvey – New Zealand's Blue Sky Award candidate
29 January 2021
PhD student in forest engineering at the University of Canterbury, Campbell Harvey, is New Zealand’s nomination for this year’s International Council of Forest and Paper Associations Blue Sky Award.
Campbell has been using drones and flight control programmes to capture imagery of landing slash piles to assess the volume of harvest residues to develop slash management guidelines and evaluate the potential for commercially using the slash.
Campbell is a 2013 graduate of the Forest Engineering programme, currently the UC Forest Engineering support lecturer (funded by the NZFOA Levy Trust Work Programme) and works directly with the Forest Growers Research harvest automation programme.
The ICFPA launched the Blue-Sky Young Researchers and Innovation Award in 2016. This global award aims to stimulate competition between students and young researchers exploring forest science, products or other innovations throughout the value chain.
Watch Campbell's entry video here.