Silviculture Crew Videos

11 September 2020

Check out some great videos of the work being done by Silviculture crews on the Safetree website.

You can watch the following videos:

How Silviculture Adds Value to Forestry: The success of the forest industry begins with silviculture. This work has a big impact on the value of the crop when it matures. 

What Makes a Great Silviculture Crew: Workers from Safetree Certified Contractors Penetito Forestry talk about what makes a great crew. 

Day in the Life of a Planting Crew: Penetito Forestry shows how silviculture crews start off the forestry cycle by planting the trees. 

What's Great About Working in Silviculture: Great scenery, being in the fresh air, and working with good people - some of the things silviculture workers like about their jobs. 

Emile Richardson: Silvi-worker, NZ Boxer: Silvi-worker and NZ representative boxer Emile Richardson talks about how working in forestry is helping him train to trial for the Olympics. 



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